
The Friends of Glen Gardens are a group of local volunteers looking after Glen Gardens park. We all live in the area and love the park and what it brings to our community. Our aim is to preserve, develop and improve Glen Gardens for the local community.

As well as the day to day tasks such as locking and unlocking the park areas, we regularly organise community events  for the whole family to enjoy. From Summer picnics, to Christmas lanterns and our renowned Scarecrow event there is plenty to enjoy.

We are volunteer led and always on the look out for new friends to help take care of our gardens. It's through volunteers that we are able to run the kiosk, look after the gardens and work alongside City of York Council on developments and changes within the park.

We'd love you to join us

Friends Committee 2023


Julie Couttie


Stephen Astin


Marion Bowgen


Chris Gethin and Becky Spence